What Are The JMeter Functions?

Jmeter online training

What Are The JMeter Functions?

A JMeter function is a value-returning evaluation. Functions can be of many different types, such as information functions, scripting functions, and property functions, to name a few. In this blog, we will discuss the JMeter functions to know more, join Jmeter Training In Chennai

1)Information Function

Information functions become extremely useful in identifying the thread’s data, the IP address or name of the load generator, and the local time in numerous formats. In my opinion, these routines are most helpful in troubleshooting a script. The log function, for example, allows you to output breaking point messages at various log levels.

2)File Input Function

When dealing with significant amounts of data, it is usually best to use static data files as script input. These values can be supplied to JMeter in various ways, including utilising the regular CSV input format row by row or storing the entire file in a variable. I wouldn’t say I like needing external files to support my scripts. I prefer to produce my data sequentially and retrieve it using a random variable.

3)Calculation Function

When designing scripts, math calculations or random numeric variables are frequently required. Consider the amount of passengers or tickets to be purchased for an event. This criterion might be readily met by utilising the random function to generate any value between 1 and 10. This function, however, has its restrictions, such as the inability to produce more significant numbers, such as a 16-digit credit card number. Instead, the random string function becomes more helpful because it creates big strings or integers more efficiently.

4)Scripting Function

This is perhaps the most contentious collection of JMeter functions because many believe it is too broad and might lead to infinite options. We can’t get that deep because the possibilities are endless, but I’d want to demonstrate some valuable use of these functions in conjunction with IF and WHILE controllers.

5)Properties Function

Properties are similar to variables but in a global context. All threads can access or alter them; most JMeter property settings are set via the.properties files in the bin folder. Please remember that if you change some values, you must restart JMeter for the changes to take effect.

6)Variable Function

JMeter variables are local, meaning they are produced and destroyed with each thread iteration. Most of the data we utilise during thread execution (such as correlations) is kept in variables that will be lost once the thread finishes and a new iteration begins. It may be a property if you need to save a value, even though the values will be lost when the test is terminated unless you save it to a file.

7)String Function

You may need to transform or convert strings during your scripting. The most typical applications are URL encode/decode and HTML escape/unescape. Both functions come in helpful when working with Web sites and posting parameters. Even though the String functions are intended for conversion, we have two most likely unrelated functions. Two examples are the regex function, a regular expression extractor similar to the post-processor, and the dateTimeConvert, which changes several time formats to match the required one.

Thus, the functions of JMeter are Information function, File input function, Calculation function, Scripting function, Properties function, Variable function and String functions. To gain more information about JMeter, join Jmeter Online Training to learn at your own pace. FITA Academy offers students the best training with a hundred per cent placement.


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