What is Docker and the Usage of Docker in the Organization?

What is Docker and the Usage of Docker in the Organisation?

Docker is a containerization platform for applications, built on Linux Containers. Applications are run within the containerized environment and can be scaled up or down as needed. Docker containers share a kernel and automatically create processes such as groups, namespaces, and IPC with the host. The external behavior of containers is defined by their Dockerfile files which map out how to build images for specific runtimes.  Learn  What is Docker and the Usage of Docker in the Organisation? From Docker Online Training

Docker runs on platforms such as Linux and macOS and can also be called from other operating systems using more than one method: sys-docker, sys-docker3, sys-docker_fcgi, or even Unix. 

Why Use Docker?

Docker provides an environment to run applications in which the process, file system, and networking are encapsulated within the container, rather than the user’s system. The application shares operating system resources with other containers running on the user’s system. Some examples of applications that can be deployed using Docker are WordPress, Nginx, Redis, Java image processing framework Jclouds. 

It also provides portability to other types of operating systems. The application shares operating system resources with other containers running on the same host.

Docker command-line interface (CLI) is a comprehensive way of managing Docker containers from your computer without using a web browser. Containers can be managed from a remote location through CLI as well as from an online Docker registry.

Docker has these benefits:

Docker is used for its portability across different types of operating systems. Applications can be deployed on any platform where docker can run.

Docker is fast. It runs single processes per container to provide speed while conserving client resources or server hardware resources for other tasks or servers.

Career in Docker

Docker is one of the most popular job roles for this year, with better job openings.   Learn Docker Online from SkillsIon to learn the usage of it. This reflects that many companies are looking for Docker professionals to help them run their infrastructure with Docker. It is a growing area with a lot of new job roles being created as a result.

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