Organic milk may have a greater concentration of omega-three fatty acids and CLA, including more vitamins and antioxidants than regular milk. Milk is one of the essential foods in our diet. It supports growth and development. On the other side, modern dairy uses a wide range of chemicals in their dairy production. Organic Milk In Chennai is in great demand for people owing to its benefits.
Fertilizers and pesticides are used in fodder production, and also growth hormones are given to cows. The use of these compounds in traditional milk production and their harmful effects have resulted in a surge in the market for organic milk among health-conscious consumers.
More Omega 3 Could Be Provided
Organic milk also contains more omega-3 than non-organic milk. But what is the importance of Omega 3? Omega3 is an excellent source of nutrients necessary for healthy growth, and it has been associated with several health problems that have seemed to be on the rise in recent years. Regular intake of omega-three fatty acids might help protect you from various diseases, notably cardiovascular disease, inflammation (in skin problems like eczema), cancers, and osteoarthritis. According to the latest research, eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids might aid in preventing or delaying the onset of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Dairy Farm In Chennai brings your home pure desi cow milk and dairy products.
More Linoleic Acid Conjugated
CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) increases metabolism, disease resistance, and muscle-building. It also helps lower abdominal weight, cholesterol, and adverse reactions. It’s important to mention that the human species can’t make this substance. Thus, we get much of our CLA from milk and dairy products.
Cows that feed on pastures produce 500 % more CLA in their milk than cows that provide fodder, which might also surprise you. This strongly indicates that organic milk is chosen over non-organic dairy. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been proven beneficial in treating cancers in recent animal studies. Hygenic Milk in Chennai is in great demand, especially for children.
No chemical contamination is possible.
Organic cows graze on grasslands that were cultivated using organic crops. Consequently, their milk is devoid of harmful chemicals like pesticides, fertilizer residues, and hormonal residues.
Since antibiotics, GM feed, ammonia, and fertility hormones are not fed to cows to increase milk supply; this potential nutrient-rich natural milk contains no residues of these chemicals.